"Mood (feat. iann dior)" is a collaboration between San Francisco born musician 24kGoldn and Puerto Rican rapper/singer iann dior. The most used sound clip from the song uses about 15 seconds of it, going from approximately the 8 second to the 23 second mark.  While it is significantly less popular than "Lottery", it still has over 2.5 million videos.

TikTok user @24kgoldn

TikTok user @ondreazlopez

The part of the song most commonly used on TikTok begins at the very end the instrumental introduction, which features the main guitar riff.  "Mood" follows a common pop song format of beginning with the chorus (a tactic that allows songs to put their hook at the start).  One thing to note is that "Mood" begins with a double chorus, giving the song a dynamic arc: an instrumental intro, a stripped down chorus, and finally fully flushed out chorus.  Interestingly, the part of the song used on TikTok is of the first, stripped down chorus.  
"Mood" has a similar drum beat to "Lottery (Renegade)", but "Mood" is at a BPM of 91, so the half-time feeling beat is actually a full-time groove with the clap playing on the 2 and 4 of every measure as opposed to the 3.  While the stripped down chorus doesn't have an off beat rim shot, the flushed out one does.  The hi-hat in the song is playing a straight 16th note pattern, but it actually plays the same amount of times between every beat as the one in "Lottery".
Unlike "Lottery", the audio clip for "Mood" doesn't have a huge 808, though one does start at the very end of the clip.  It features a subdued synthesized bass, but besides that the only other harmonic instrument is an electric guitar.  

Video count from TikTok

Mood analysis from Cyanite

The analysis provided by Cyanite for this song seemed less accurate than the one for "Lottery", but it doesn't appear to be completely wrong.  The majority of "Mood" only features vocals, guitar, and drums, which is a relatively minimal arrangement.  None of the instruments are playing anything too complex, and the guitar does have a more muted timbre.  Both of these probably contributed to the AI identifying the song with a calm and relaxing mood.  As for the analysis of happy, the most likely reason for this is because the song is in a major key.
The portion of "Mood (feat. iann dior)" that has been popularized on TikTok has lots of similarities to "Lottery (Renegade)" when looking at it's rhythmic foundation, and while its harmonic characteristics are quite different, it does parallel the instrumentation.
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